Throat Chakra G#


Throat Chakra Mist semitone G# – location – transitional point between the cervical spine and the skull
Knowledge / Health / Communication

Mist the Throat Chakra Semitone Sound Essence and state:
I walk my walk and talk my talk!!
I can easily express my inner thoughts and emotions.
It is now right for me to express the best of who I am.

SKU: N/A Category:


G# supports the Throat Chakra. This vibration bridges the characteristics and attributes of the Throat Chakra “note G” which relates to the freedom of expression and the Brow Chakra “note A” which relates to inner direction. This vibration offers you the ability to express yourself in accordance with your life’s journey. It supports your personal growth by helping you to awaken to your spiritual consciousness.

Someone with a balanced Throat Chakra G# is successful and well suited to their work and fulfilling their task and purpose in life. They have a strong sense of right and wrong and making decisions is easy for them.

Taking the chance on listening to your heart and to go after your heart’s desire supports the integrity of the Throat Chakra.

G# physically supports the tension in the back of the skull, helps with headaches, confusion, memory, and left and right brain integration.

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